Kode Error Visual Basic bag2

Melanjutkan artikel sebelumnya tentang kode error umum pada Visual Basic

401 Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed
402 Must close or hide topmost modal form first
403 MDI forms cannot be shown modally
404 MDI child forms cannot be shown modally
405 Unable to show modal form within this context
406 Non-modal forms cannot be displayed in this host application
from an ActiveX DLL
419 Permission to use object denied
422 Property not found
423 Property or method not found
424 Object required
425 Invalid object use
426 Only one MDI Form allowed
427 Invalid object type; Menu control required
428 Popup menu must have at least one submenu
429 License information for this component not found. You do not have
an appropriate license to use this functionality in the
design environment
430 Class doesn't support Automation
432 File name or class name not found during Automation operation
438 Object doesn't support this property or method
440 Automation error
442 Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost
443 Automation object doesn't have a default value
444 Method not applicable in this context
445 Object doesn't support this action
446 Object doesn't support named arguments
447 Object doesn't support current locale setting
448 Named argument not found
449 Argument not optional or invalid property assignment
450 Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
451 Object not a collection
452 Invalid ordinal
453 Specified not found
454 Code resource not found
455 Code resource lock error
457 This key is already associated with an element of this collection
458 Variable uses a type not supported in Visual Basic
459 This component doesn't support the set of events
460 Invalid Clipboard format
461 Method or data member not found
462 The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable
463 Class not registered on local machine
480 Can't create AutoRedraw image
481 Invalid picture
482 Printer error
483 Printer driver does not support specified property
484 Problem getting printer information from the system.
Make sure the printer is set up correctly
485 Invalid picture type
486 Can't print form image to this type of printer
490 Top-level or invalid menu specified as PopupMenu default
520 Can't empty Clipboard
521 Can't open Clipboard
523 The data binding DLL, 'item', could not be loaded
524 'item'
525 Data Access Error
527 The given bookmark was invalid
536 Could not lock the database
537 Could not access the desired Column
541 Could not lock the database
542 The row has been deleted since the update was started
545 Unable to bind to field: 'item'
672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded
outside of the OLEStartDrag event
673 Expected at least one argument
674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop
675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with
SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return
more bytes than were given to SetData
676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject
during the OLESetData event
688 Failure in AsyncRead
689 PropertyName parameter conflicts with the PropertyName
of an AsyncRead in progress
690 Can't find or load the required file urlmon.dll
693 An unknown protocol was specified in Target parameter
735 Can't save file to TEMP directory
744 Search text not found
746 Replacements too long
31001 Out of memory
31004 No object
31018 Class is not set
31027 Unable to activate object
31032 Unable to create embedded object
31036 Error saving to file
31037 Error loading from file

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